Fact Sheet: Factors Influencing the Adoption of Postpartum Family Planning

Year: 2013
Abstract:Pregnancy and the immediate postpartum period are considered opportunistic times for counseling women on adopting a modern family planning method. In spite of various interventions to promote postpartum family planning (PPFP), uptake in sub-Saharan Africa has remained very low, particularly in rural areas. The Centre for Health Research and Implementation Support (CHRIS) was awarded a small grant from the MEASURE Evaluation PRH project to study women attending antenatal care in Ghana to explore factors that influence their willingness to adopt PPFP. The research team interviewed 1,914 pregnant women in rural and semi-rural health facilities in the Central Region of Ghana, a region with some of the most adverse FP indicators in the nation. To read the full study see: http://www.measureevaluation.org/publications/wp-10-117.