Fact Sheet: Involving Men in Family Planning Programs and Services

Year: 2013
Abstract:Several studies have shown that male engagement can improve access to and use of family planning (FP). But despite the Rwandan Ministry of Health’s expanded focus on couple counseling in FP, male involvement in FP is still poor in both the household and healthcare settings.
The Medical Students’ Association of Rwanda (MEDSAR) was awarded a small grant from the MEASURE Evaluation PRH project to investigate the barriers to integrating men into FP programs in Rwanda. The research team conducted one-on-one interviews with 96 community health workers (CHWs) and 24 nurses in 24 healthcare facilities in Rwanda’s Southern and Kigali City Provinces. Focus group discussions were conducted with men and women, all parents either married or not, at each of the healthcare facilities. To read the full study see: http://www.measureevaluation.org/publications/wp-13-132.