Strengthening Orphan and Vulnerable Children Programs with Data: Creating a Culture of Data Demand and Use

Year: 2014
Abstract:Significant human and financial resources have been invested worldwide in the collection of health data on populations, services and communities. Unfortunately, this information is often not used by key stakeholders to effectively inform policy and programmatic decision making. The failure to consider empirical evidence before making decisions hinders the health system’s ability to respond to priority needs throughout its many levels. In an effort to address this problem, MEASURE Evaluation partnered with Pact Worldwide to apply a comprehensive data demand and use (DDU) intervention within their organization. Pact was targeted as a partner because of their interest in and commitment to improving DDU and because of their global program reach. The goal of the collaboration was to institutionalize DDU tools, curricula, and strategies in Pact’s institutional guidance and official structure in order to create a culture of data use that could be diffused to their programs worldwide. An organization that has adopted data use strategies to intentionally support the use of data will be better positioned to sustain the use of data in decision-making processes.
This case study explains how MEASURE Evaluation and Pact Worldwide adapted a DDU intervention to build a culture of data use within their organization and their partner organizations in Lesotho.