A Guide for Monitoring and Evaluating Avian Influenza Programs in Southeast Asia

Author(s): Eckert E, Hoffman N, Hyslop A, Johnson D, Suzuki C, Wuerker E
Year: 2007
Abstract:This guide provides standard M&E terminology for avian influenza (AI)indicators and information systems for programs in Southeast Asia. The use of standard indicators facilitates data aggregation and provides information for consistent national, regional, and global-level monitoring of progress for AI programs. Because the understanding of the disease is evolving, this guide allows for adaptation as new programs and interventions come into place (an interim guide was first released in 2007; the current edition was revised in September 2008). The guide provides a logic model for understanding regional and national-level AI programs that share the central goal of reducing the risk of a human pandemic influenza. The four program components that support this goal are national planning and policy, animal health, risk reduction, and human health. For each of these components, the guide provides indicators designed to measure key elements of AI prevention and control programs. Because there is no global standard for M&E of AI programs, all indicators in the guide are newly developed, with extensive input from technical experts involved in global, regional and national level programs. The guide is a result of broad-based collaboration involving MEASURE Evaluation, Abt Associates, AED, AFAP, AVSP, CARE, CRS, FAO, USAID, UNDP, UNICEF, UNSIC, US-CDC, WHO, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Vietnam), National Institute for Hygiene and Epidemiology (Vietnam), Ministry of Public Health (Thailand), Ministry of Health (Lao P.D.R), and the National Animal Health Center (Lao P.D.R).