National Most Vulnerable Children Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Author(s): United Republic of Tanzania, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
Year: 2015
The purpose of this national most vulnerable children (MVC) monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan is to provide guidance for tracking the implementation of the Tanzania National Costed Plan of Action for Most Vulnerable Children NCPA II (2013–2017). The NCPA II calls for a government-led and community-driven MVC response to facilitate MVC access to adequate care, support, protection, and basic social services. Because multiple sectors committed to implementing NCPA II, standardized M&E activities are needed for effective and efficient coordination of MVC program interventions. The M&E plan guides stakeholders on how to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the NCPA II and determine whether its goal and objectives are being met.
The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW), through the Department of Social Welfare (DSW) and other stakeholders, implemented the first National Costed Plan of Action (2007–2010) for most vulnerable Children (MVC) to respond to the problem of vulnerable children in Tanzania. This plan of action was reviewed in 2011, and the recommendations that resulted were used to guide the development of the Second National Costed Plan of Action for MVC (NCPA II). The NCPA II was launched in February 2013 and is a five-year program (2013–2017).