Case Study Series: Community-Based Information Systems: Kenya

Year: 2014
Abstract:Many community-based programs provide services to mitigate the effects of the HIV and AIDS epidemic, including HIV prevention, HIV care and treatment, and services for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). These programs vary widely in terms of the data that are collected for monitoring and evaluation (M&E); the job function and skills of data collectors; and how and by whom the data are managed, analyzed, used, and stored. MEASURE Evaluation, with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and support and technical input from members of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) OVC Technical Working Group (TWG), conducted case studies in three countries (Kenya, Tanzania, and Zambia) to understand and document how community-based information systems are designed, implemented, and used to provide information to a broad range of stakeholders. This case presents the findings from Kenya.