Bangladesh Urban Health Survey 2013 Final Report

Author(s): NIPORT, icddr,b, MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2015
The 2013 Bangladesh Urban Health Survey (UHS) is a representative household survey of slums and non-slums of City Corporations and other urban areas that was implemented through a collaborative effort of the National Institute of Population Research and Training (NIPORT), Measure Evaluation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, and icddr,b. Associates for Community and Population Research, a Bangladeshi private research agency, conducted the field survey in the City Corporation areas, municipalities and large towns with population over 45,000.
The 2013 UHS is a follow-up survey conducted after seven years from the first UHS conducted in 2006. Primarily the survey was designed to examine the changes in the health and service utilization profile of the urban population with explicit attention to examine differences between slum and non-slum groups. The information collected in the 2013 UHS will be instrumental in determining directions for the urban health program in Bangladesh. Data concerning important urban health issues like migration, fertility and family planning, maternal and newborn health, childhood mortality, child health, feeding practices, and nutritional status etc. are crucial in designing policies and programs. Hopefully, intra-urban differentials in health service utilization between two surveys will be helpful to demonstrate an increased commitment to improving the lives of urban people in Bangladesh.