Guidelines for Data Management Standards in Routine Health Information Systems

Author(s): Heywood A, Boone D
Year: 2015
The regular use of reliable information from a well-designed routine health information system (RHIS) is indispensable for ensuring and sustaining improvements in health system performance. Using reliable information from RHIS over time is an important aid to improving health outcomes, tackling disparities, enhancing efficiency, and fostering innovation.This document proposes standards on data management for RHIS, based on the results of an expert workshop, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, in May 2012. RHIS is a subsystem of health information systems (HIS), devoted to routine reporting of health sector service statistics for management, planning, and evaluation. (Other HIS subsystems include census, civil registration, population surveys, individual records, and resource records.) These guidelines are based on field experiences from all over the world and are considered “standards” or, at a minimum, “best practices.” Wherever possible, they are illustrated by case studies or use cases.