Bulletin 4: A New Tool to Focus and Monitor AIDS Prevention Efforts: The PLACE Method.

Year: 2002
This issue of the MEASURE Evaluation Bulletin introduces the PLACE (Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts) method; describes the results from PLACE studies in South Africa, India, Burkina Faso, Uganda, and Tanzania; and provides lessons learned from its early use. MEASURE Evaluation's fourth bulletin contains the following articles: "From People to Places: An 0verview of the PLACE Method and Lessons Learned"; "Application of the PLACE Method for Facilitation of AIDS Prevention in a City in India"; "Diversity in Sites of Sexual Encounter Revealed by the PLACE Method in Two Burkina Faso Health Districts"; "Assessing the Stability of Sites Where People Meet New Sexual Partners: A PLACE Follow-Up Stude in Cape Town, South Africa"; "Three PLACE Studies in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa"; "Assessment of Sexual Mixing Among Mobile and Resident Populations Using the PLACE Method in Two Mexican Border Towns"; "Using the PLACE Method to Reveal Gaps in Kampala's AIDS Prevention Program"; and "Using the PLACE Method to Monitor AIDS Prevention Programs at the District Level in Tanzania.