High Impact Research Training Toolkit

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2014
his course aims to assist researchers in bridging the research-to-practice gap, providing tips and tools that can be applied to the research process to improve data use. Specific objectives of the course include:
- To improve the identification of program- and/or policy-relevant research topics
- To improve the involvement of key decision makers in the research process
- To facilitate the development of program and/or policy recommendations based on the research findings
- To improve the packaging and communication of research results to facilitate their use in decision making
The Tool Kit is designed to help trainers conduct effective training of public health researchers specifically in the area of designing actionable research. The Tool Kit provides trainers with user-friendly, modifiable training components to adapt for use in various contexts. It is recommended that the modules be presented sequentially in a one-day training but they also can be separated to supplement existing material on a similar topic.
The collection is also available online at https://www.measureevaluation.org/resources/training/capacity-building-resources/high-impact-research-training-curricula/