PRISM: Performance of Routine Information System Management Series

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2019
Using data to make evidence-informed decisions is still weak in most low- and middle-income countries. Especially neglected are data produced by routine health information systems (RHIS)—the data collected at public, private, and community-level health facilities and institutions. When routine data are lacking, or are not used, the results can be lower-quality services, weak infection prevention and control responses, lack of skilled health workers available where they are needed, and weak supply chains for drugs and equipment. These factors contribute to poor health outcomes for people.
MEASURE Evaluation, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), has provided technical and financial assistance to strengthen RHIS for more than 15 years. We have contributed to best practices at the global level and to the strengthening of RHIS data collection, data quality, analysis, and use at the country level. One of the project’s mandates is to strengthen the collection, analysis, and use of these data for the delivery of high-quality health services.
We developed the Performance of Routine Information System Management (PRISM) Framework and suite of tools in 2011 for global use in assessing the reliability and timeliness of an RHIS, in making evidence-based decisions, and in identifying gaps in an RHIS so they can be addressed and the system can be improved.
With USAID’s support, we have revised the PRISM Tools and developed other elements, based on the PRISM Framework, to create a broad array of materials: the “PRISM Series.” This new, more comprehensive PRISM Series is useful for designing, strengthening, and evaluating RHIS performance and developing a plan to put the results of a PRISM assessment into action.
Access the full collection, older versions of the PRISM tools, and additional resources at