Health Information System Strengthening Model

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2018
MEASURE Evaluation’s Health Information System Strengthening Model (HISSM) articulates how country-level health information systems (HIS) in low- and middle-income countries are designed, developed, and implemented to support health systems and improve health outcomes over time. It guides ongoing learning, depicts the elements of an HIS and the relationships among them, and illustrates external influences. The model is useful for countries at both national and subnational levels as a guide for the assessment, planning, and improvement of their HIS. An HIS is broadly defined to encompass health data sources, including health facility and community data collected as part of routine health information systems (RHIS) or health management information systems (HMIS); electronic health records for patient care; population-based data; human resources information; financial information; supply chain information; and surveillance. The HISSM includes every type of information that can be used for decision making in the health sector. This model was developed in collaboration with experts around the globe, using the Health Metrics Network (HMN) Framework as a foundation (HMN, 2008), to address four key objectives: (1) promote HIS as an essential function of a health system, (2) define HIS strengthening, (3) measure HIS performance, and (4) monitor and evaluate HIS interventions.