Health Information Systems Interoperability Maturity Toolkit

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2019
This toolkit identifies major components of interoperability for health information systems (HIS) and lays out a path to meet goals in leadership and governance, human resources, and information technology to support digital health. The kit contains three main pieces: a maturity model, an assessment tool, and a users’ guide. It also offers a complete list of the references consulted in a literature review that was conducted as part of the toolkit’s development. The HIS interoperability maturity model identifies the major components of HIS interoperability and lays out an organization’s growth pathway through these components. Countries can use the assessment tool to determine their HIS interoperability maturity level systematically. Using the assessment results, countries can create a path toward strengthening their HIS interoperability and building resilient systems. This is Version 1.0 of the toolkit published in January 2019 with lessons learned from early adoption by Ghana and Uganda.