Fact Sheet: Antiretroviral Adherence

Author(s): Yoder, Stan
Year: 2009
Abstract:MEASURE Evaluation, in partnership with Health Systems Trust, and in collaboration with the Department of Health of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), and conducted a study of patient experiences on antiretroviral therapy (ART) in KZN to learn about patients concerns in taking antiretrovirals (ARVs). Researchers sought to identify adherence strategies that succeeded or failed in helping patients take ARVs on time and remain in the program. The findings were used to develop a tool to assess the circumstances of ART patients with the goal of increasing adherence and retention. For the study, 172 current and former patients enrolled in ART programs in five facilities across the province were interviewed, including 52 patients who had dropped out of a program. Health care providers working in these programs were also interviewed.