Fact Sheet: Monitoring Health Outcomes in Liberia Using Lot Quality Assurance Sampling

Year: 2011
Abstract:Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) is a relatively rapid approach to data collection that provides a viable alternative to traditional surveys. The method allows for smaller sample sizes than standard probability surveys, and the lower associated costs allow for more frequent sampling. LQAS data can also be used in conjunction with other sources of health information, such as service statistics, to obtain information on coverage and quality of care at the population level. In Liberia, LQAS has provided county-level estimates of coverage of selected indicators and information whether supervision areas within the county meet performance targets. LQAS is designed to assess whether a target has been “met” or “not met” in a designated program supervisory area. The small sample size required to provide the binary estimates is a key feature of an LQAS. While this can provide important information for program managers, point estimates will not be available for the supervisory areas.