Implementation of Maternal and Child Health Outcome Surveys Using LQAS

Year: 2012
Abstract:Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) is a sampling and analysis methodology for rapid population-based surveys. It requires a small sample size and provides information on whether sub-areas or “lots” are performing at an “acceptable” or “not acceptable” level according to pre-determined targets. Samples from each lot can be aggregated to provide coverage estimates for the entire study area. LQAS can thus be a useful monitoring tool to assess service coverage and health outcomes and behaviors at the district and sub-district level.
Though LQAS is touted as a rapid and inexpensive data collection tool, this does not necessarily translate into implementations that are “quick” and “cheap”, especially when technical assistance is provided by an outside organization. From 2010–2012 MEASURE Evaluation supported three rounds of maternal and child health outcome monitoring surveys in Kenya and two rounds in Liberia.