Fact Sheet: Quality of FP Programs in HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Clinics

Year: 2013
Abstract:Mounting evidence shows that many people with HIV have an unmet need for family planning (FP). Providing FP services in HIV care and treatment clinics (CTCs) can increase access to FP among women and couples living with HIV. However, the potential health benefits of integrated services remain largely undocumented.
There are two models of FP/HIV integration in Tanzanian health facilities. The facilitated referral model screens clients at risk for unintended pregnancies, educates clients on FP methods, records referrals to an FP clinic, and accompanies clients to the FP clinic. The expanded facilitated referral model provides all the above services in addition to providing short-acting FP methods.
The National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR)-Muhimbili was awarded a small grant from the MEASURE Evaluation PRH project to evaluate the quality of FP services provided in the two models and assess the extent to which provision of FP services in CTCs meets established national standards for FP service delivery.
The study involved eight health facilities offering FP in CTCs in Morogoro and Iringa, Tanzania. The study included 200 HIV-positive clients ages 18–49 attending the CTCs and 16 providers from the health facilities.
To read the full study see: http://www.measureevaluation.org/publications/wp-13-136