Alcohol consumption patterns, illicit drug use, and sexual risk behavior among MSM and transgender women in San Salvador

Year: 2014
Abstract:Alcohol consumption and drug use impairs cognitive functioning and may affect health outcomes, especially in cases of heavy use or abuse. Studies have shown higher rates of heavy drinking and drug use among men who have sex with men (MSM) compared to heterosexual men. Comparison studies for substance use are not available for transgender women (TW), although there is evidence of increased substance use linked with higher levels of sex work among this group. There is evidence from integrated biological and behavioral surveillance in the Central America region of problematic substance use among MSM and TW. However, apart from the frequencies presented in these studies, there is scant descriptive information available on the patterns of alcohol consumption and drug use, motivations for substance use, and the potential association of substance use with HIV for MSM and TW in Central American countries. The information presented in this research brief aims to address this gap.
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