Family Planning in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Achievements of 50 Years: Executive Summary

Author(s): Bertrand J, Ward V, Roberto Santiso-Gálvez R
Year: 2015
Family planning is a lifesaving intervention that benefits individual women, families, communities and nations. By allowing women to delay childbearing, space births, and avoid unintended pregnancies, family planning can prevent as many as one in three maternal deaths. In addition to multiple other benefits, governments and donors have embraced family planning because it saves lives.
This report examines the 50-year period starting in the mid-1960s that witnessed a dramatic decline in fertility and steady increase in contraceptive use in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region. The current contraceptive prevalence rate (all methods) of 74 percent is among the highest of any region in the developing world.
In addition, the Family Planning in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Achievements of 50 Years report is informed by eight associated case studies that examine the experiences of selected countries of the region: Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Paraguay. The case studies drew on the in-depth interviews held in those countries and conducted for this report.