Status of Data Demand, Quality and Use: Baseline Results of Assessed Health Districts in South Africa

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation SIFSA
Year: 2015
The South African Department of Health (DoH) generates volumes of data from the routine health information system (RHIS), which consists of health data reporting from about 3,800 health facilities in 52 districts of the nine provinces. However, the audit of performance information by the Auditor General reported that data are generally of low quality and there is little use of the available information (DoH, 2013). Results of a rapid assessment conducted in 2013 by the MEASURE Evaluation–Strategic Information for South Africa (MEval-SIFSA) project showed that the main causes of under-utilisation of data were: data use is not part of clinicians’ in-service training; managers and clinicians focus on service provision/“pushing queues” and consider data an extra burden/diversion from core business; data reporting is erroneously considered data use; and managers, clinicians, and other health care workers lack knowledge, skills, and confidence in calculating targets for indicators, data analysis, interpretation, and use.
This fact sheet reports the consolidated data demand and use(DDU) baseline status of six districts in South Africa that are PEPFAR focus/supplemental/special focus high-burden DoH districts. The tool has been administered at provincial, district, and health facility levels.