Helping People with Tuberculosis in Ukraine Stay in Treatment – Findings from a Qualitative Analysis of a Social Support Program

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2017
In 2014, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) mission in Ukraine asked MEASURE Evaluation to launch an impact evaluation to study two interventions conducted by the Strengthening Tuberculosis Control in Ukraine (STbCU) project to (1) provide social support services to improve tuberculosis (TB) treatment adherence; and (2) improve the integration of TB and HIV services, to reduce mortality through early diagnosis and treatment of TB- and HIV-coinfected clients. MEASURE Evaluation designed two independent but complementary studies to evaluate the impact of these STbCU program efforts: the social support study and the TB-HIV integration study. Both employed a mixed-methods approach, with a quasi-experimental quantitative evaluation design complemented by qualitative descriptive work to inform the findings. This brief summarizes the results of the qualitative research conducted for our evaluation of the social support program.
See the related Improving Care for People in Ukraine Who Have Tuberculosis and HIV – Findings from a Qualitative Analysis of Integrated Services resource.
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