Strengthening Health Information Systems in Madagascar

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2019
Madagascar’s health information system (HIS) has faced challenges resulting from multiple vertical reporting systems and disease-surveillance systems that correspond to program-specific needs. In working toward a more unified HIS, Madagascar’s Ministry of Health (MOH) has been collaborating with partners, such as the Directorate for Malaria Control, to integrate reporting systems, reduce reporting redundancies, and address issues related to data quality. As part of this effort, the USAID-funded MEASURE Evaluation has been supporting the development and implementation of an electronic HIS to improve the availability and use of high-quality health data. MEASURE Evaluation’s involvement in the MOH’s efforts to improve the performance of Madagascar’s HIS have strengthened the “enabling environment” and “information generation” areas of the HIS, identified in MEASURE Evaluation’s Health Information System Strengthening Model (HISSM).
The illustration on this fact sheet superimposes on the HISSM depictions of MEASURE Evaluation’s activities in the enabling environment and information generation areas to support coordination of vertical information systems and harmonization of data collection. By displaying key interventions across the model, we see their strategic interaction and how this combination of interventions works together to strengthen data quality and data use at all levels of the health system.