Family Planning Social and Behavioral Change Communication: Key Indicators

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2018
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Office of Population and Reproductive Health (PRH) is working to improve access to and quality of family planning (FP) products and services, to contribute to increased contraceptive use among priority populations. This increase in contraceptive use requires that health-seeking behaviors of individuals and communities, as well as the norms that underpin those behaviors, change. Interventions that seek to change behaviors by addressing knowledge, attitudes, and practices are known collectively as social and behavior change interventions. Because these interventions complement and enhance the role played by other FP interventions they are a priority area for PRH. Social and behavior change communication (SBCC) activities can raise awareness, dispel myths, and address barriers that prevent people from accepting and using FP.
Rigorous monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is essential to the success of FP programs, and establishing consistent and effective indicators is part of USAID-funded MEASURE Evaluation’s work to improve health information systems globally. This resource outlines seven key SBCC indicators that are intended to inform USAID and implementing partners on the M&E of FP programs supporting SBCC activities. Each indicator featured in this resource contains a definition as well as any calculations, suggested disaggregations, or reference periods.
For routine monitoring purposes, program managers and evaluators should select a few relevant indicators that both are important to program objectives and easy to collect and interpret. The indicators may be supplemented or tailored to reflect a program’s unique context and objectives.