Training a Tech-Savvy Health Workforce

Author(s): Sam Wambugu
Year: 2018
Digital technology is billed as an important catalyst in quickening the pace towards the achievement of universal healthcare in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where access to quality healthcare remains a pipe dream. Yet, to manage electronic health records, implement remote patient diagnosis and treatment, and manage digital data, health workers need a different set of skills.
For digital technology to be put to efficient use cutting costs, increasing patient safety, and improving overall management of health programs, human resource capacity at all levels is critical—both in skills and numbers.
It is with this realization that Kenyatta University in Kenya, in collaboration with MEASURE Evaluation—funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)—and four other universities, hosted a week-long training program in July on appropriate application of information communication technologies (ICTs) to health programs. This brief provides a summary of the training.