Improving Use of Health Data through Data Use Champions

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation–Tanzania
Year: 2018
The MEASURE Evaluation–Tanzania (MEval-TZ) project had an overarching objective to build sustainable capacity in use of quality health data for evidence-informed decision making and programming. A key area of this work was technical assistance and building capacity of regional and council health management teams (R/CHMT) in the analysis, interpretation, and use of routine health data for decision making purposes.
R/CHMTS are government employees charged with overall responsibility for coordinating, supervising, monitoring, and coordinating health service delivery. The core members of this team are the regional and district/council medical officer of health, the health secretary, the health management information system focal person, the AIDS control coordinators, and the child health coordinator. Since 2014, MEval-TZ has identified, built the capacity of, and supported a total of 40 data use champions from 26 councils spread across eight regions: Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Mbeya, Iringa, Njombe, Morogoro, Dodoma, and Singida.
This brief provides an overview of this work.