Pilot Testing a Gender-Integrated Routine Data Quality Assessment Tool in Kenya

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2018
Reducing the incidence and impact of HIV in Kenya is a significant priority for the Kenyan government. In addition to increasing access to HIV testing and treatment, addressing the needs of orphans and vulnerable children and reducing the burden of gender-based violence are critical pathways in HIV-prevention efforts. Collecting age- and sex-disaggregated data and gender-sensitive indicators provides fundamental knowledge to assess the needs of diverse populations, their access to services, and the country’s progress toward controlling the HIV epidemic.
MEASURE Evaluation, in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development and implementing partners, pilot-tested a new tool to collect and analyze information from a gender perspective: Routine Data Quality Assessment, Plus Gender (RDQA+G). This brief summarizes the results of the RDQA+G pilot test, conducted as part of a larger initiative to assess gender and HIV data quality, build capacity, and identify best practices for improving data quality in Kenya. Gender-specific results are emphasized here to illustrate the capacity and utility of the modified assessment tool.