Sustaining the Impact: Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2019
Through programming for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEFPAR) aims to mitigate the multidimensional and acute impacts of HIV and AIDS on children, by providing holistic, community-based care and support services.
Strengthening the systems that support vulnerable children and families ensures that children living with HIV receive the services they need and that children who are affected do not acquire the virus.
MEASURE Evaluation’s strategic approach MEASURE Evaluation improves programs for OVC by improving the quality and accessibility of data on programs and target populations. MEASURE Evaluation is building OVC monitoring and evaluation (M&E) capacity globally by developing indicators and tools, evaluating programs, triangulating data, and providing technical assistance and mentoring.
Our recent work includes a suite of activities covering routine monitoring, costing, size estimation, social service system strengthening, outcomes monitoring, and national OVC M&E system strengthening. This brief shares more.