Strengthening Community Event-Based Surveillance in Senegal

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2019
Since 2016, with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), MEASURE Evaluation has assisted Senegal to set up a community event-based surveillance (CEBS) system to monitor the eight priority human diseases in four pilot districts. This system has enabled community stakeholders to identify diseases when they emerge in the community and to inform the nurse in charge of the area to enable rapid response to disease threats.
In 2017, MEASURE Evaluation revised the CEBS system to include Senegal’s six priority zoonotic diseases and adopt a “One Health” approach that involves other non-traditional health sectors. The One Health approach focuses on multisectoral collaboration and information sharing among stakeholders at all levels. It also allows for rapid response to events —illnesses that emerge in the human-animal-environment interface—to prevent the spread of disease. This brief shares more.
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