HIV-related sexual behavior in urban, rural and border areas of Burkina Faso

Author(s): Khan M, Brown L, Nagot N, Salouka S, Weir S
Year: 2006
As HIV/AIDS prevention resources are scarce, program planners must first reach areas at highest risk of HIV transmission. "High transmission areas" are often locations where increased social mixing intersects with increased commercial activity (e.g., hotels for truck drivers at the intersection of major commercial routes, bars near trading centers and migrant worker residences). Nationally-representative surveys provide serological evidence that HIV prevalence is highest in urban areas, where "high transmission areas" are concentrated. However, such areas are also found outside urbanized settings. Even within relatively small rural areas, large differences in prevalence by residence have been observed. In a 1997 review of urban-rural differences in sexual behavior and HIV risk, Carael emphasized that simultaneous epidemics occur within both urban and non-urban areas, and the interplay between these epidemics as a result of population mobility is important. Especially considering that the majority of the population in sub-Saharan Africa lives in non-urban areas, understanding HIV transmission risk in both urban and non-urban areas is warranted. (excerpt)