HIV-related sexual behavior in urban, rural and border areas of Burkina Faso

Author(s): Khan M, Brown L, Nagot N, Salouka S, Weir SS
Year: 2007
As HIV/AIDS prevention resources are scarce, program planners must first reach areas at highest risk of HIV transmission. High transmission areas are often locations where increased social mixing intersects with increased commercial activity (e.g., hotels for truck drivers at the intersection of major commercial routes, bars near trading centers and migrant worker residences). This study examined differences in HIV-related sexual behavior among urban, rural and border areas of Burkina Faso, which had the second-highest HIV prevalence in West Africa, after its southern neighbor, Cote d’Ivoire. The study compared the prevalence of new and multiple partnerships among a sample of individuals socializing at a sample of venues in each geographic setting; and determined the venue-level and individual-level predictors of new and multiple partnerships in each setting, so that intervention activity is focused on venues and venue patrons most in need.