Age, poverty and alcohol use as HIV risk factors for women in Mongu, Zambia

Author(s): Singh K, Buckner B, Tate J, Ndubani P, Kamwanga J
Year: 2011
Background: Age, poverty and alcohol use are seen as risk factors for HIV among women in sub-Saharan Africa.
Objective: The objective of this study was to understand the influence of socioeconomic factors (including age and poverty) as well as alcohol use on risky sexual behaviors among women in Mongu, Zambia.
Methods: This study examines these factors in the local context of Mongu, Zambia using the Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts (PLACE) methodology. This methodology allows for the study of risky behaviors while taking into consideration local factors. The two outcome variable studied were transactional sex in the past year and having two or more sexual partners in the past year.
Results: In this study age was not a significant factor, but alcohol use and poverty/desire for economic advancement were significant factors.
Conclusion: Programs and policies need to address the influence of alcohol on risky sexual behaviors and also the important but complex influence of poverty.