Acknowledging HIV and Malaria as Major Causes of Maternal Mortality in Mozambique

Author(s): Singh K, Moran A, Story W, Bailey P, Chavane L
Year: 2014
Objective: To review national data on HIV and malaria as causes of maternal death and to determine the importance of looking at maternal mortality at a subnational level in Mozambique.
Methods: Three national data surveys were used to document HIV and malaria as causes of maternal mortality and to assess HIV and malaria prevention services for pregnant women. Data were collected between 2007 and 2011, and included population-level verbal autopsy data and household survey data.
Results: Verbal autopsy data indicated that 18.2% of maternal deaths were due to HIV and 23.1% were due to malaria. Only 19.6% of recently pregnant women received at least two doses of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for intermittent preventive treatment, and only 42.3% of pregnant women were sleeping under an insecticide-treated net. Only 37.5% of recently pregnant women had been counseled, tested, and received an HIV test result. Coverage of prevention services varied substantially by province.
Conclusion: Triangulation of information on cause of death and coverage of interventions can enable appropriate targeting of maternal health interventions. Such information could also help countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to recognize and take action against malaria and HIV in an effort to decrease maternal mortality.