A Guide to Monitoring and Evaluation of Capacity-Building Interventions in the Health Sector in Developing Countries

Author(s): LaFond AK, Brown L
Year: 2003
Number 7 in the MEASURE Evaluation Manual Series has the purpose of assisting health planners and evaluators to: gain a clear understanding of the concepts of capacity and capacity building; critically evaluate the strengths and limitations of current approaches to capacity measurement; and design a capacity-building M&E plan that outlines a systematic approach to measuring capacity and assessing the results of the capacity-building interventions in the health sector. Sources for this 110-page guide include a review of the state of the art of capacity measurement, a review of capacity-building measurement tools and indicators, formal and informal consultations with practitioners, and an in-depth exploration of four different capacity measurement experiences. The Guide also draws on lessons learned about capacity-building M&E in other sectors, such as agriculture and housing, and on new evaluation approaches designed to support learning in development programming.