Guidelines for Core Population Coverage Indicators for Roll Back Malaria: To Be Obtained from Household Surveys

Author(s): Roll Back Malaria, WHO, UNICEF, MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2004
An effective system for monitoring progress and evaluating results is critical for assessing the success of the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) partnerships technical strategies. To facilitate this process, the RBM partners established a set of core indicators for population coverage that can be collected through household surveys that permit national-level monitoring of these technical strategies. The purpose of this manual is to provide country partners with technical guidance on the detailed specifications of the core indicators for population coverage that can be measured through household surveys, the data required for their construction, as well as issues related to their interpretation. Details of the data collection methods required for estimating these indicators through national-level household surveys are also provided. Developed by the RBM partnership, World Bank, the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF), and MEASURE Evaluation, this manual is intended to maximize internal consistency and comparability of the indicators across countries and over time, and to ensure consistency in the types of data collection methods used.