Addressing Poverty: A Guide for Considering Poverty-Related and Other Inequities in Health

Author(s): Foreit K
Year: 2012
Taken as a whole, this guide covers the spectrum from priority-setting to monitoring and evaluation (M&E). Each chapter can also be used as a self-contained module, depending where a particular Mission is in its planning cycle. For example, Missions that are mid-course in priority programs may wish to refine their M&E plans to include inequity issues (Chapter 4). Missions that are planning new initiatives with NGO partners may find it useful to deepen their understanding of the local situation before selecting one or another intervention to pilot test (Chapters 2 & 3). Missions that are undertaking a portfolio review may wish to explore linkages and synergies between Health/Investing in People and other program areas (Chapters 1 & 2). Depending on the local situation, Missions may benefit from specific technical assistance for analysis, program design, and/or M&E.