Pillars of Health Facility Assessment: An Illustrative Capacity-Building Curriculum for Mid- and Senior-Level Managers

Author(s): Fapohunda B, Gragg B
Year: 2009
Abstract:Developed by the International Health Facility Assessment Network, this three-day workshop curriculum is designed to reinforce the importance of health facility data collection as an essential component of health information systems. With this knowledge, participants will be in a better position to advocate effective health facility assessments in their home-country contexts. Workshop participants learn about the different types of health facility assessments now in use; the main elements of such an assessment (data collection instruments, techniques, and core indicators derived from data); see actual results from assessments and the way they have and can be used to inform policy-making; learn to extract, analyze, and interpret real data, venturing implications for programmatic decision-making; examine the role of these assessments in health information systems (e.g., planning, monitoring and evaluation, advantages and limitations); and discuss options for funding and the potential for undertaking assessments in their countries.