Performance of Routine Information Systems Management (PRISM) Tools

Year: 2011
Abstract:The ministry of health was concerned that district and facility staff rarely used routine data to identify performance gaps, make plans, and monitor progress. Information was available; why was it being used only to populate reports and not to drive decisions and program improvements? PRISM Tools provided a structured way for the ministry to assess the quality of data and use of information in its routine health information system. The findings were revealing. Data errors were very high, due in part to overly complex data collection forms, inaccurate transfer of data from patient records, and calculation errors. The PRISM assessment led to the design of easy-to-use forms, a refresher training course in data collection and processing for health workers, and a series of meetings and publications to share performance results and successes.
The 2018 version of the PRISM Series, updated and with new modules (Toolkit, User’s Kit, and Training Kit) is available here: