Community Health Information System Data Recording and Reporting: User's Manual

Year: 2013
In the context of the health sector reform and decentralization in Ethiopia, generating health information and intelligence that is standardized, integrated and well linked at all levels is well recognized to monitor the health services and health status of the population. The organization of the family based services in Ethiopia, the Health Extension Programme, has called for the reorganization of information systems to collect and use information for action at local levels using a family folder. This in turn drives a need for the careful assessment of what is required for local (community level) data collection, processing, analysis and dissemination, as well as linking to the national health management and information systems.
This guidance document is therefore, prepared by the Policy, Planning & Finance (PPF) Directorate of Federal Ministry of Health, Ethiopia (FMOH), with the support of USAID-funded MEASURE Evaluation HMIS Project, Tulane University Technical Assistance Project, Ethiopia (TUTAPE), the World Health Organization (WHO) country office in Ethiopia and Italian Development Cooperation, Ethiopia for use principally by the district experts, heath extension supervisors and health extension workers all over the country as well as experts at the M&E unit of the FMOH and Regional Health Bureaus. This document was prepared considering the lessons learned from the pilot implementation of Family Folder and HMIS procedures in Amhara and SNNPR in 2010.