HMIS Information Use Training Manual

Year: 2013
The ultimate goal of the Health Management Information System (HMIS) is to generate quality data and use that data for management decisions to improve health service provision. The Regional Health Bureau of Southern Nations Nationalities and People’s Region (SNNPR) puts utmost attention to scale up culture of HMIS information use at each level of the health system across the region. Among these, establishing the Performance Review Teams at every health administrative unit and at health facilities level is one of the initiatives taken by the RHB.
In SNNPR, HMIS data are readily available and accessible thanks to the electronic HMIS (eHMIS) developed and rolled out throughout the region with the technical assistance of the MEASURE Evaluation HMIS Scale-up Project. To further build the skills of the health managers and professionals in using the information generated by HMIS and linking it to program planning and performance monitoring, the RHB jointly with partners have developed the HMIS Information Use Training Manual. The manual is based on the HMIS Information Use Guide Technical Area 4, Version 2 published by the FMOH and follows the experiential training methodology recommended by FMOH for in-service trainings. This manual is intended for workshop-based trainings and trainings organized through health science colleges in the region.
Access the accompanying presentation slides.