eHMIS User Guide

Year: 2013
eHMIS is a facility based data aggregation system that is used for public health related decision making. Its main users are public policy makers, health officers, researchers, planning departments of health offices, HMIS focal persons, data entry clerks and many others ranging from health facility to federal management levels.
Moreover, eHMIS is best referred as a system that is designed to fulfill the need of automated national health information management system. It helps to accurately and timely collect, aggregate, store, analyze and evaluate health related data from health facility to federal level. The system also has decision support tools mainly used by decision makers at the federal, regional, zonal and woreda levels.
eHMIS, therefore, is composed of a set of interrelated components and procedures organized with the objective of generating health information and intelligence to monitor the health status and health services of the nation to improve public health care leadership and management decisions at all levels.
This user guide document is developed for users from regional to woreda levels in Ethiopia working on eHMIS.