Addressing Equity in Health

Author(s): Foreit K
Year: 2014
Health and poverty are intertwined. It is often the poor and other vulnerable groups who experience the burden of disease, which can plunge them deeper into poverty. Recognition of these facts has put health and poverty issues high on the international agenda. Despite the best of intentions, however, health resources and program efforts often fail to reach those in greatest need.
As a result, it is imperative that policymakers and program managers better engage the poor and other excluded groups in the design of policies, programs, and financing mechanisms to make certain that they meet the needs of these groups. This course presents the EQUITY Framework for Health, which provides practical guidance on how to ensure that the voices of the poor are actively engaged in policymaking and that pro‐poor strategies are incorporated throughout the policy‐to‐action process.
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Define inequality and inequity
- Use survey data to identify inequalities and inequities in health utilization indicators
- Define the steps involved in the EQUITY Framework for Health
- List three ways in which to engage the traditionally excluded
- Identify supply‐side and demand‐side barriers that may hinder the achievement of more equitable health outcomes
- Name two examples of opportunities for integration
- Define targeting and required
- Provide an example of an indicator for program design, implementation, service uptake, and equity impacts