Reproductive Health Cost Reporting System: A User Guide

Author(s): Scott Moreland, Shaylen Foley, Stacie Gobin
Year: 2018
The Reproductive Health Cost Reporting System (RHCRS) is a management tool that can help reproductive health (RH) service delivery organizations to capture and analyze existing financial data on a regular basis. As such, it is designed to treat financial, commodity, labor, and other cost data as inputs to a system that allows service delivery organizations to estimate what it costs to deliver specific services, what the cost drivers are, and how these costs may differ across service delivery points (SDPs), across regions and over time.
Organizations frequently collect service delivery counts and track expenditures on human resources and labor, medical supplies and procurement, and other regularly incurred office and equipment expenses. Yet, these data are rarely assessed together, let alone annually. The RHCRS allows organizations to use these records to calculate the average cost of their services. These unit costs can then be compared across sites and regions of the organization and broken down by various cost elements. Annual data enable programs to assess trends in service costs. Reports and graphics are available to illustrate and summarize these comparisons.
The purpose of this guide is to provide organizations using the Reproductive Health Cost Reporting System with information about how the system works and who it is intended for, and a detailed tutorial on how to use it. The downloadable file above is A4 size. Download the letter-sized version.
Access the RHCRS at
Watch a related webinar and view the slides.