Performance of Routine Information System Management (PRISM) User's Kit: Moving from Assessment to Action

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2018
One of the mandates of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-supported MEASURE Evaluation is to strengthen the collection, analysis, and use of routine health information system (RHIS) data for the delivery of high-quality health services. We developed the Performance of Routine Information System Management (PRISM) Framework and suite of tools in 2011 for global use in assessing the reliability and timeliness of an RHIS, in making evidence-based decisions, and in identifying gaps in an RHIS so they can be addressed and the system can be improved.
With USAID’s support, we have revised the PRISM Tools and developed other elements, based on the PRISM Framework, to create a broad array of materials: the “PRISM Series,” available here: This new, more comprehensive PRISM Series is useful for designing, strengthening, and evaluating RHIS performance and developing a plan to put the results of a PRISM assessment into action.
To support the use of the PRISM Tools, we have developed a User’s Kit, which consists of three manuals in addition to this one:
- Preparing and Conducting a PRISM Assessment, available here:
- Using SurveyCTO to Collect and Enter PRISM Assessment Data, available here:
- Analyzing Data from a PRISM Assessment, available here:
The User’s Kit guides all aspects of a PRISM assessment.
A main strategy for strengthening an RHIS is to develop and reinforce a country’s long-term planning for an integrated health information system, which includes all data sources, health metrics, and tools. This manual—the fourth in the series—supports that effort.