Evaluation of Health Programs: A Postgraduate Overview Course – Module 1 Syllabus: Evaluation as a Strategic Tool for Public Programs and Policies

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2018
As part of an effort to strengthen postgraduate education on evaluation of health programs, the Global Evaluation and Monitoring Network for Health (GEMNet-Health) and MEASURE Evaluation have embarked on developing competency-based curriculum materials for a master’s degree level, overview course on evaluation.
This stand-alone module covers the competencies of:
- Discussing evaluation in the context of public policy;
- Analyzing policy cycle/results chain;
- Assessing the role of evaluation for policymaking and the link of strategic information to evaluation;
- Discussing practical constraints in evaluation research; and
- Identifying and listing the ethical and political implications of evaluation work.
To visit the main postgraduate evaluation curriculum page, please click here.