Facilitating Surveillance, Monitoring, and Evaluation in Malaria-Endemic Countries: A Compendium for National Malaria Programs

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2019
Concerted efforts in malaria control have led to a significant decrease in the disease burden globally and specifically in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Countries there have scaled up proven malaria interventions, such as insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), indoor residual spraying (IRS), diagnostic testing, prompt and effective treatment of malaria cases, and intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp). A strong surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation (SME) system is needed to measure progress and achievement to inform future efforts and investments. This compendium is designed for national malaria program (NMP) personnel, who need to learn SME skills quickly and apply them immediately to their work. It is also intended to be a valuable resource for implementing partners working on malaria projects, students taking an SME course in an MPH program, and scientists interested in malaria SME. Relevant documents and guidance materials are referred to throughout the document. Readers are encouraged either to read through the compendium in its entirety or reference specific chapters, as needed.
Chapter 1 introduces the concepts of malaria SME. Chapters 2 and 3 look at the global burden of malaria and global efforts to control malaria. Chapter 4 discusses the role of data for decision making. Chapters 5 through 8 describe the development of an SME plan and a plan’s components: frameworks, indicators, and data sources. Chapter 9 discusses malaria surveillance—a concept particularly important as malaria transmission decreases and NMPs need to track each case closely. Chapter 10 describes key methods used for evaluating NMPs and provides references to key indicators, data sources, and practical examples. Chapter 11 discusses the nuts and bolts of data quality, data management, and data analysis. Chapter 12 focuses on what is needed to present, interpret, and use data correctly. Finally, Chapter 13 presents ethical concerns to think about in malaria SME.