Quick Country Start-Up Package for Malaria Surveillance, Monitoring, and Evaluation Training

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2019
Since 2010, MEASURE Evaluation has offered a suite of trainings to contribute to the strengthening of country-level malaria surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation (SME) systems. These trainings are supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) and endorsed by the Roll Back Malaria Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group (RMB MERG). Activities include annual regional malaria SME workshops in English and French, customized country-specific malaria SME workshops, and online malaria SME courses in English and French.
After 10 years of implementation, there is a need for MEASURE Evaluation to document the process based on lessons learned and provide countries with a reference document for implementing these trainings. Furthermore, as the project comes to a close, the reference document will serve as a quick startup guide for future country malaria SME workshop implementation, including step-by-step approaches, practical tools, and trouble shooting.
Read a related blog post.