Learner’s Guide to Monitoring and Evaluation of Care Reform in Armenia

Author(s): Charyeva, Z., Ghukasyan, H., & Gheorghe, C.
Year: 2020
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Displaced Children and Orphans Fund (DCOF) works in countries around the world to improve the safety, well-being, and development of vulnerable children, with particular attention to preserving and facilitating their access to appropriate, protective, and permanent family care. The overall goal of the USAID/DCOF-funded activity in Armenia is to strengthen the country’s leadership to advance the reform of national policies and systems for the care of children who lack adequate family care. Enhanced government capacity to assess, address, and monitor care reform is the long-term vision of USAID/DCOF, the USAID-funded MEASURE Evaluation project, and government partners in the country. To support this agenda, MEASURE Evaluation conducted a series of training sessions in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) during 2018 to 2019 for stakeholders in Armenia. The training included basic training in M&E, training on data use and demand, data quality, and data analysis.
This guide serves as a reference document for participants who attended the MEASURE Evaluation training sessions. It also serves as a self-learning guide for people who do M&E work but who were unable to attend the training. It is expected that the guide’s users will apply key M&E concepts in their daily work. Because this is a self-learning material, there is no opportunity to discuss new concepts in a group setting or to ask questions. It is therefore suggested that users visit the MEASURE Evaluation website (https://www.measureevaluation.org/resources) for additional M&E materials.