How to Include Laboratories in a Master Facility List: Preliminary Guidance

PDF document icon How to include labs in MFLs Prelim Guidance_MS-20-196.pdf — PDF document, 1,910 kB (1,955,932 bytes)

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation

Year: 2020

How to Include Laboratories in a Master Facility List: Preliminary Guidance Abstract:

A Master Facility List (MFL) is an authoritative, up-to-date list of all health facilities in a country. The original version of the MFL Resource Package was published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in January 2018 to guide country governments and other stakeholders through the key decisions in planning, establishing, maintaining, and sharing an MFL. This document is intended to be a supplement to the MFL Resource Package to provide additional guidance on incorporating laboratories into an MFL.

Filed under: Health data , Health Facilities , Master facility list , MFL