Indicators for Reproductive Health Program Evaluation: Final Report of the Subcommittee on Safe Pregnancy

Author(s): Koblinsky M, McLaurin K, Russell-Brown P, Gorbach P
Year: 1995
Abstract:This compendium contains 66 indicators for the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of safe pregnancy programs that were developed by a subcommittee of the Reproductive Health Indicators Working Groups (RHIWG). Indicators within this document are organized according to the following categories: maternal health outcomes and outputs, maternal health policy, operations and community-level outputs, newborn health outcomes and outputs, post-abortion care problem outcomes, post-abortion care policy, post-abortion care training, post-abortion counseling and family-planning services, access to post-abortion care, technical quality of service delivery for post-abortion care, quality of client-provider interaction, and costs of post-abortion care.