Selected Frameworks and Approaches for Scaling Up Health Interventions: Appendix B to Guide for Monitoring Scale-up of Health Practices and Interventions

Author(s): Adamou B, Curran J, Wilson L, Apenem Dagadu N, Jennings V, Lundgren R, Kiesel R, Hardee K
Year: 2013
Several resources have been developed to assist program implementers with the process of scaling up. However, once scale-up is underway, few resources exist to help ensure continuous and systematic monitoring of the process to track progress toward sustainability of these innovations. This appenidix is part of a guide intended to provide governments, donors, country organizations, and implementing partners with a low cost and replicable approach to monitoring the process of scaling up innovations in health. Appendix B provides a summary of selected frameworks and approaches for scaling up health interventions.